Did Donald Trump Really Raise the Price of Prescription Drugs?
Not exactly - but his Day 1 Executive Orders certainly didn't help
On the first day of his second presidency, Donald Trump signed a slew of Executive Orders. Many rescinded orders issued by his predecessor, Joe Biden.
One that drew some attention rescinds an order by Biden calling on Medicare and Medicaid to find ways to lower the cost of prescription drugs for recipients of these programs.
While not helpful, that act in and of itself did not make prescription drug prices higher.
NBC News reports:
Biden’s bigger health care initiatives, such as a $35 monthly cap on insulin, a $2,000 annual out-of-pocket cap on prescription drugs and Medicare’s negotiating drug pricing provision weren’t affected by Trump’s executive actions Monday.
While Trump’s move is disappointing and does not bode well for Medicare negotiating lower drug prices, it doesn’t immediately change work that Biden and previous Congresses have done on lowering drug costs.
And to be clear: More can and should be done to deliver lower drug prices to Americans. Trump is not likely to do that.
Perhaps of greater concern is the lack of serious attention he’s paying to health policy issues.
This is reflected in his nomination of Dr. Mehmet Oz to head up the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
Oz is well-known for his long-running TV show and also for pitching supplements of dubious health value.
The heart surgeon turned TV personality promoted healthy lifestyle habits, but a 2014 study found that he gave many medical recommendations on his show that either had no scientific evidence to support the benefits or were contradicted by existing science.
When I heard about this I was really wondering what it was as Trump liked to take credit for the 35.00 insulin as he did have a hand in it as a voluntary recommendation and Biden ran with it putting it in the inflation reduction act. I don’t understand exactly what Trumps executive order did though. I guess I need to actually read the order. In Trumps first term also put into place a hospital pricing policy that they had to list the prices of their services so people knew costs before being treated, which I thought was a great idea, but it just never happened. Very few things Trump did his first term were good, but when he did something good, I’m more than happy to cheer.
I’m also shocked no media is tracking project 2025 and all the things he is actually doing, as he said many many times that it wasn’t his plan and had nothing to do with it, so we need to call him on it every time he does something from it and start questioning who is running the country, Elon & The Heritage Foundation or Trump? (He would hate being called a puppet, but it appears as he is one right now)