I saw something similar, remote access interference capabilities, recently with regard to Tesla cars and hope it gets looked into as well. It also mentioned that the Tesla battery is not owned by the purchaser of a Tesla car, it remains owned by Tesla, which made me wonder if, in total loss scenarios, are Insurance companies reimbursing/paying out car insurance owners correctly? Shouldn't first responder costs for Tesla battery fire response be sent directly to Tesla if this is the case?
Interesting RE: Tesla. I'm betting many buyers aren't aware - and don't become aware until something happens to their vehicle. I'm sure Tesla's lawyers have a creative answer to that question - but you do raise a very good point that is worth further exploration.
I saw something similar, remote access interference capabilities, recently with regard to Tesla cars and hope it gets looked into as well. It also mentioned that the Tesla battery is not owned by the purchaser of a Tesla car, it remains owned by Tesla, which made me wonder if, in total loss scenarios, are Insurance companies reimbursing/paying out car insurance owners correctly? Shouldn't first responder costs for Tesla battery fire response be sent directly to Tesla if this is the case?
Interesting RE: Tesla. I'm betting many buyers aren't aware - and don't become aware until something happens to their vehicle. I'm sure Tesla's lawyers have a creative answer to that question - but you do raise a very good point that is worth further exploration.
Sharing the source referenced, just in case I (or they) got something wrong.
Thank you!